You guys, moving really sucks. Moving overseas REALLY sucks. And doing it alone while being away from your husband for three months REALLY REALLY sucks. I'm very lucky to have some great friends who have helped me along the way, though. And my parents and sister have been the best, even from Omaha. I'm looking forward to my mom getting here Friday to help with the last minute stuff, and to just hang out my last day in Chicago.
My apartment is pretty bare right now. I have no bedroom furniture, other than my bed. No couch. I have a pile of things for the Brown Elephant to pick up tomorrow and I've taken more than I'd like to admit down to the dumpster. It's kind of sad and empty but also has a feeling of progress, which is much needed after three months of being asked, "ARE YOU ALL PACKED UP YET?" And always responding, "no" while having a minor panic attack.
My last day at work was Friday and my coworkers gave me a really lovely send-off. Now I'm officially a house wife! WEIRD.
I did get a massage today, which I highly recommend doing during a stressful period like moving. I'm really looking forward to a month in Omaha with my family, a week and a half in Spokane, WA with more family, and then finally starting my adventure in Dubai with Ryan and Renard.
I already love reading your blog. Cant wait to see you next week!