Ryan thinks we should ditch all of our stuff and buy all new things once we get there. I am completely opposed to this idea. We just got married and most of these items are wedding gifts from our lovely, thoughtful, and generous friends and family. I am most certainly not going to toss it all out only to replace it all with cheap Ikea crap (and then have to do it all over again when we move back in five years.)
Plus, I'm just really attached to my stuff. So American of me, I know. Ryan is much better than I am about not getting attached to things. I mean, he moved to Chicago from Arizona with all of his posessions in a Jeep Cherokee. I don't think my clothes and shoes could fit into a Jeep Cherokee.
Stuff aside, I'm really nervous about shipping our dog, Renard. I don't want the trip over to be too stressful on him, and I also do not want to pay thousands of dollars. But, neither of us can imagine life without him. From what I understand (am beginning to realize,) the UAE LOVES paperwork. Lots and lots of forms. And I'm really bad at filling out forms. So what if I check the wrong box and he ends up like one of those poor pups in an ASPCA commercial with Sarah McLaughlin playing in the background. Poor guy! :(
I promise once I get to Dubai these blog posts will be more interesting. I plan to load them full of photos and tales of adventures, our encounters of culture shock, etc. But for now you're going to have to listen to me whine and vent. OK? OK!